Steam Savings for International Food Manufacturer

delta steam systems

In September 2021 Delta Steam Systems supplied 118 flanged Delta DSV-FWN model venturi steam traps to a major international food manufacturer. The flanged traps were manufactured to match the length of the old traps being replaced so there would be no need to make any pipework modifications. The venturi nozzle sizing was carried in conjunction with our international sales partner, the end user’s engineering team and DSS staff. Once installed and commissioned the plant started up well and without any issues. The DSS steam traps were then run for a number of months to determine their performance and reliability. After this period the customer carried out a steam trap energy audit of the Delta venturi steam traps and compared the results with the tests taken of the old conventional steam traps results before they were removed. The steam savings achieved was an average of 39% compared to the previous conventional steam traps. The customer is extremely happy with the results and has plans to roll out the replacement of all their steam traps at all their factories worldwide.

Delta venturi steam traps consistently save steam, reduce maintenance and improve reliability. Because Delta venturi steam traps are guaranteed for 20 years they are long term solutions to steam trapping problems and have an expected lifespan in excess of 20-30 years giving the customer peace of mind that the Delta steam trap they are fitting will not need to be replaced for a considerable length of time and allows the customer to focus on his primary responsibility of manufacturing their products instead of worrying about failed steam traps.

For more information on how we can help you with your steam trap related problems contact us at”